UJ_Unit2_P3 //Part 1_Explorations in Urban Design and Architecture


Project 3 is focused on the layered context of Newtown and Fordsburg. This project aims to achieve an in-depth understating of the context, to arrive at the design of an intervention that responds to the findings of the site analysis.
Focus area of Newtown and Fordsburg.

Surrounding nodal spaces & Landmarks. Including the M1 highway
The unit was divided into 4 groups for the urban analysis portion of the project. From the analysis, the unit is to negotiate an overall Urban Framework for the site, with each group proposing a framework within the scale of the divided site.

 I was in group C.
Our selected section was between Park Lane str. (West) and Henry Nxumalo (East, under the highway).
Groups were tasked to undertake an analysis of the given portions of the site, to capture relevant data (both objective and subjective) to arrive at an in-depth understanding of the context, which will also inform the mixed use interventions.


  Analysis and findings from the smaller group analysis. These were from our analysis as group C

Street Character
View of Bree Street on an early, midweek afternoon. 

Dolly Rathebe Street. Major activities: Loading of trucks from warehouses and manufacturing plants. 
Loading stock for various various shops throughout the city. 
President Street pavement condition

Jeppe/ Barney Simon Street. Trolley pusher gathering on the edge of a warehouse building. 

Park Lane street and pavement condition

Our portion of the site stands out as predominantly a warehouse @ manufacturing area. Other activities include very little residential, and retail on Bree Street (See land use image above). 

These findings, in collaboration with other groups, informed the general udf as a unit.

Unit_2 Framework Model
Urban Framework from unit 2 showing functions of buildings, outdoor spaces and linkages

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